TOMORI ICE SLUSH MACHINE, TSM-3S 3x12L - Mesin Ice Slush Tomori adalah mesin dengan output tinggi untuk produksi slush yang cepat dan hemat energi. Ia unggul dalam segi teknis, bahan berkualitas tinggi, dan menjaga kebersihan. Dipercaya oleh perusahaan-perusahaan ternama di industri makanan & minuman serta perhotelan. Menawarkan biaya operasional dan perawatan rendah. Dengan pengalaman selama 30 tahun, Tomori adalah mesin Ice Slush terbaik di dunia yang menjamin keberhasilan bisnis.
Indotara adalah distributor tunggal eksklusif produk terbaik di dunia: TOMORI. Indotara menyediakan unit penjualan baru, suku cadang, konsultasi, dan layanan pemeliharaan untuk semua produk Tomori di Indonesia. |
Best Price : Rp 27,975,932 / Unit Promo Price : Rp 20,142,671 / Unit |
* Price exclude PPN, Ex-Works Cikupa
* Price & Spec can be changed without prior notification
Tomori slush machine can do cooling process quickly, so it can instantly create fresh slush ice.
Tomori slush machine machine very hygienic (food grade) with a full 304 stainless steel.
Tomori slush machine has a cooling system that is cooling the juice fastly and stable.
Tomori heavy duty compressor 1 year warranty. Minimal vibration and noise.
Tomori slush machine manufactured with high quality copper pipe and extra thick.
Tomori slush machine use special handle bar that strong and easy to use.
Tomori slush machine design is very easy to clean and easy to maintain.
Tomori slush machine apply the full stainless steel SUS304 body and the frame also.
Tomori ice slush machine are the most efficient ice slush machine that help you to save the cost.
Tomori Ice slush Machine apply CFC Free refrigerant for environment protection and safe our ozone.
Tomori Ice slush Machine are working with precise temperature for ice slush quality output results.
Tomori ice slush machine apply Smart Micro Processor Controller for smart & efficient ice maker.
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Kaliwaru, Condongcatur,
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