SHIGEMITSU Hand Pallet Truck PK - Shigemitsu is one of best company in material handling equipment especially hand pallet truck & manual stacker. Since decades it's develop special technology on heavy duty product to fulfill customer's need on durable products.
Shigemitsu is the name of premium line of Heavy Duty Hand Pallet & Manual Stacker with 3 Years Warranty & 60.000 cycles. Shigemitsu Special hydraulic pump will allow you to enjoy real "strong" performance. |
Best Price : Rp 5,818,265 / Unit Promo Price : Rp 4,189,151 / Unit |
* Price exclude PPN, Ex-Works Cikupa
* Price & Spec can be changed without prior notification
Shigemitsu Hand Pallet Truck Equipped with Coping Supporting NOG & ribbing reinforcement under the upper triangle cover to make it stronger.
Shigemitsu Hand Pallet Truck Pump design that is complete with a leak-proof pump that is reliable, maintenance free and extends service life.
Shigemitsu Hand Pallet Truck is equipped with Entry / Exit Roller which is very strong and flexible so it will be very easy to operate.
Shigemitsu Hand Pallet Truck Equipped with a pump cap that can be adjusted to the needs to facilitate maintenance and extend service life.
Shigemitsu Hand Pallet Truck is equipped with a large rubber handle, with three control levers that are very comfortable to use.
Shigemitsu Hand Pallet Truck The speed at lowering the fork can be controlled, which can be operated using hand control and foot pedal.
There are many choices of Nylon wheels, Polyurethane, Rubber, as well as a choice of Single Fork Rollers and Tandem Fork Rollers.
Shigemitsu Hand Pallet Truck has 12 lubrication points on all movable parts so that maintenance becomes easier and longer lasting.
50/F, Menara BCA Grand Indonesia
JL. M.H. Thamrin No.1,
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Phone : 021 - 5011 2224
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APL Tower 6th Floor No. 6 Central Park,
JL. Letjen S. Parman Kav 28,
Jakarta Barat - 11440
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Millenium Industrial Estate
JL. Millenium 22 Blok R3 No. 1,
Cikupa, Tangerang - Banten 15720
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Wisma HSBC Lt. 6 Suite B
Jalan Asia Afrika No.116,
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JL. Jendral Basuki Rahmat 129-137
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JL. Gajah Mada No.135,
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Phone : 024 - 40 300 889
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JL. Sutomo Ujung No.28,
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Phone : 061 - 50 300 592
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Benoa Square Lt. 2
JL. Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 21 A Kedonganan,
Kuta Badung - Bali Indonesia 80361
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JL. Urip Sumoharjo No. 20,
Makassar - Sulawesi Selatan 90234
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Panin Tower Lt. 8 Grand Sudirman
JL. Jendral Sudirman No.7 Klandasan Ilir,
Balikpapan Kota - Kalimantan Timur 76114
Phone : 021 - 5011 2224
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Hartono Mall Yogyakarta Lt. 3
Kaliwaru, Condongcatur,
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone : 021 - 5011 2224
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Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3
17F, 12 Marina Boulevard
Singapore - 018982
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